Michelle at Searching for Sophie is having a giveaway in honour of her 5-year blogging anniversary…also known as a Blogversary.
Drop by her blog for your chance to win some great prizes!!
I am hoping to snag one of those adorable bracelets that she is giving away…would love to see one with “Maggie’s” REAL name on!!
I still can not post pictures of “Maggie” yet but very soon!!!! We just have to finish up some more paperwork and send it off to our agency and then you will all get to see her!!
Thanks so much for all your well wishes and congratulations!!! You are all a great support for us durring this amazing time.
A big welcome to all my new followers!!
I hope I don’t bore you to tears with my blabber…wait I know, your all just here to get a glimpse at our little cutie…well that’s ok, I can’t wait to show her off!!!
20 years
1 month ago