Wednesday, June 06, 2007


~ “Sometimes you plan things and they don’t go as you expected, the outcome then depends on how you deal with the situation at hand” ~

Our girls (+ 2 guys) lunch out was very nice. It was great to catch up with Nancy, hope we can get together again soon. Here is a picture of us all gathered for lunch.

I am so amazed and inspired by many of the bloggers that I follow. There are so many of you out there that express your feelings and thoughts so vividly. Some days you write exactly how I am feeling.

I sometimes feel like this blogging thing is very weird. We are all opening up very private parts of ourselves and sharing them with the world. When I sit and think about it, it kinda’ scares me, but then I think back to when we first started the process of our adoption and I remember how reassuring, helpful, and encouraging it was to read the blogs of people who had been there done that (BTDT) or people who were/are in the process.

I am so thankful that all of those families listed on the right hand side of my blog had the courage to express themselves so openly on their blogs.

I don’t know how helpful or informative my blog is but I hope that someday it helps to reassure someone out there that they are not alone in this journey of adoption and that some day we will all finally have our happy ending…a FOREVER FAMILY!


4D said...

It is a special connection we share. Hard to describe but special. SO happy to share this journey with you.

Keep smilin!

M and M said...

I enjoy connecting with people who are ahead of me, at the same place and behind me.

Each has something different to offer.