Have you ever wondered what the definition of the word QUESTION is, well here you go:
ques·tion [ kwéschən ]
noun (plural ques·tions)
1. written or spoken INQUIRY: a request for information or for a reply, which usually ends with a question mark if written or on a rising intonation if spoken
Does anyone have any questions?
2. DOUBT: a doubt or uncertainty about somebody or something
3. ISSUE: a matter that is the subject of discussion, debate, or negotiation
Encarta® World English Dictionary
So because of Inquiry, Doubt & Issues; I am so deep in paperwork right now!!
I am freaking out!
The paperwork is smothering me and I can’t breathe … thoughts are rushing around in my head … bad, awful and worse! I am in stress mode...
Something I was hoping would not happen ... has!
I will update as soon as I can.
Please keep us in your prayers for the next few days.
This too shall pass ... sooner than later I hope!